Prescription Refills

Prescription Refills Banner

For your convenience, Riccio Family Pharmacy offers several options for refilling your prescriptions.

Refill Online

Go to

To request refills of your Riccio Family Pharmacy prescriptions, click the button below. If this is your first time using RefillRx, you'll need to create an account. During account creation, RefillRx will ask you for our zip code (19020) and the last four digits or our phone number (6680).

Refill Prescription Online

Refill by Mobile Device

If you prefer to use a mobile app to request refills, click the button below to download the app for your mobile device.

Download Mobile App

Refill by Phone

We're also available by phone to request refills, to check the status of your prescriptions, or to answer any questions you may have. Please call us at 215-639-6680.